from Rob Machado...
"This is my attempt at taking a traditional fish outline and giving it a high performance feel. Something purely for going fast and having fun, but also something you can crank a turn on with control.
I'm considering the Too Fish a new and improved version of my previous Go Fish, my popular fish model from several years back.
This time around I modified dimensions to create more volume per length and I took a very similar approach to the bottom contours of the Seaside - a single concave running through the middle that feeds off the tail, with hull panels that roll off the bottom of the rails into the concave, with a vee bottom in the trailing hull created by the points of the swallow tail.
The Too Fish has heaps of lift and glide straight out of the gates but once you engage a rail, it turns as well as any twin fin shape I've ridden previously, and it transitions rail to rail as smooth as you can imagine."