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T. Patterson Synthetic 84 Step Up-5'10"

Timmy Patterson Surfboards

$ 740.00

5'10" x 19" x 2.38", 29.43 liters, thumb tail, poly, clear, futures fins five fin

The Synthetic 84 is a tribute to the good old days, when Timmy started his first surfboard label Synthetic surfboards and was working with the legendary Damian Brawner in the 1980’s. Timmy has taken all the positive aspects of boards he built then and has incorporated them into the modern shapes of today. This combo is nothing but pure magic and has been tested by some of the top surfers from around the globe. The consensus of all that have ridden the Synthetic 84’ was nothing but fantastic! As a matter of fact, the “psych meter” went through the roof!

This model is a step up of the popular Synthetic '84 everyday board. We had some local guys get a batch for a boat trip and Timmy was stoked on the idea. The Patterson crew have made versions of this step up for their core riders with great feedback. The design is not yet in their main catalog, but we had to get some for our baordroom. The deck stays flat with a down rail and beak nose. This allows for maximum volume, yet the down rail lets you still sink this higher volume board onto rail in critical sections and off your bottom turns. Timmy removed the bump and added a thumb tail for when the waves get good. The bottom contours were adjusted for waves 4' and bigger. This design is not intended to be a daily driver. 


* With its flat deck design, this board extends foam all the way to the rail, resulting in a high volume board. As a result, some customers may find it necessary to order this board 1/16 to 1/8 inch thinner than their usual preference in order to achieve their desired volume.

We are not a high volume surfboard shipper, so our rates will be different then some warehouse shippers. Our surfboard shipping has two flat rates based on board size. Performance boards 5'10" and under, & 5'11" and up. Certain size boards will not be made available to ship. Customers who require shipping for surfboards will be charged the flat rate on check out. Customers will never be charged more then flat rate. Shipping carriers measure the items multiple times im tramnsit. 14 business days after delivery Bare Wires will get a final delivery charge from the carrier. If the delivery charge is less then the flat rate charged, Bare Wires will issue a refund difference to the customer. Please contact us with any questions

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